ComTec Journal accepts research works from scientists, academicians, engineers, practitioners, professors, doctorates, scholars, corporate and postgraduate students in their respective expertise of studies. This journal aims to cover all the subjects of research in a broader sense and not just publishing a niche area of research facilitating researchers from various verticals to publish their papers. It is also aimed to provide a platform for the researchers to publish in a shorter duration of time, enabling them to continue further.
It is providing free online access to high-quality research and helping leading academics to make their work visible and accessible to diverse new audiences around the world. As well it is an online, double reviewed, multi-disciplinary Research Journal which is publishing new Issue every month (12 Issues per Year). It is a platform for students, researchers, academicians to share knowledge in the form of high-quality research work in all subjects viz, Accounting, Advertising, Agriculture, Applied Physics, Applied Science, Architecture, Arts, Astronomy, Biology, Bio-Medical, Biotechnology, Botany, Business Management, Criminology, Chemistry, Commerce, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Corporate Governance, Earth Science, E-commerce, Economics, Education,Engineering, Environmental Science, Finance, Food Science, Fisheries, Fuels Science, Geography, Health Science, Human science, History, Human Resources Management,Humanities, Information Technology, International Business, Journalism, Law, Language, Library Science, Life Science, Literature, Logistics, Management, Microbiology, Marine Science, Marketing, Mathematics, Media Studies, Medical Science, Music, Nanotechnology, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sports Science, Sociology, Space Science, Statistics, Urban Studies, Veterinary Science, Zoology, etc.
ComTec Journal has a wide network of very good academicians and researchers . Its review process is very strict and the papers not fulfilling the criteria are outright rejected. Referees are constantly working hard to maintain the standards of Journal.
Globally a large number of journals are present but we are keeping our promise to strictly adhere to the norms framed and so are vigilant in this process.
All submitted articles will be initially subjected to editorial procedures if found suitable for publishing will be sent to reviewers for peer review. Authors are also invited to suggest at least Two potential reviewers who can review their article. It is not mandatory for the editor to send the articles only to the reviewer referred by authors, it is at discretion of the editor to send articles to any reviewer of his/ her choice. Once the review process is completed and authors will be intimated over mail about the outcome of the review process with details about further processing.
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