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ComTec Journal is an open-access journal publishing full-length of research papers and review-(survey) articles covering all subject that fall under the wide variety of science and technology, Medicine and Pharmacy. The journal is devoted towards broadcasting of knowledge related to the “Advance Research and Innovative Ideas” in the present world.
ComTec Journal is a peer reviewed, open access International Scientific Journal dedicated for rapid publication of high quality original research articles as well as review articles in major areas. ComTec Journal is published monthly. CTJ with an internationally recognized editorial board emphasizes on producing high quality research content in a timely manner.
We intend to build mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationships with our authors and provide them full support throughout the publishing and the post-publishing processes
About CTJ
ComTec Journal aims to explore advances in research pertaining to applied, theoretical and experimental Technological studies. The goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in and around the world.
CTJ is Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 5.5 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)
The open access supports the rights of users to read, download, copy, distribute, search, or link to the full texts of these articles provided they are properly acknowledged and cited.
Indexing In Google Scholar, ResearcherID Thomson Reuters, Mendeley : reference manager, Academia.edu, arXiv.org, Research Gate, CiteSeerX, DocStoc, ISSUU, Scribd many more
Research Area
Research Submission Includes Majour Ares of Engineering, Science & Technology, Pharmacy, Medical Science, Life Sciences, Management(MBA), Commerce, Biological Science,Health Science, Appliled Mathematics, Social Science, Humanities, Physics ,Appliled Mathematics, Chemistry, Science, Arts, Commerce, Science, Science & Technology and Chemistry.
Processing Charges
CTJ is an unique advantages platform where we engage our work for the development of the research field. We take only the publication fee for the cost of managing the journal site, review process and management team. No extra charges will be taken from the Digital Certificates. The author(s) need to pay a minimum amount:
For Indian Authors – Rs. 2800/– (For one entire research paper publication)
For Others Countries Authors – USD $140 (For one entire research paper publication)
Note Fee paid for publication of the paper is not refunded under any circumstances
Payment of Processing Charges:
There are following different ways of depositing fees for the publication of accepted papers. Author can choose anyone according to his/her suitability.
- Area of concentration: Multidisciplinary
- Frequency of publishing: Monthly
- Mode of publishing: online (e-journal)
- Language of publication: English
- Double Blinded Review Process
- ISSN-1420-3715
- Frequency – Monthly
- Easy & Rapid paper publishing process.
- Low publication fee to promote the research work
- CTJ is indexed in Google Scholar, Docstoc, ResearchGate, Scribd and many more.
- CTJ provides individual Soft Copy of Certificate of Publication to each Authors of paper.